So I see that Shep (Owner) locks a topic, and admins (Pur3Blood, James Coral, Faisal) reply to that topic (all posts were deleted by me), after this guyz when a topic is locked no one can reply to it, unless you are a red on the forum, meaning that if your name is not RED on the forums and you reply to a locked topic, you get warn, warn, kick, ban. This was just to take your attention to this side, this should not be repeated. This is not a warning just a new rule you may say. If you have important things to say just PM the Owner to unlock the topic or if it is just too much important make a new topic. Do not (ever) ever try to edit Admin (Shepster)'s post or any other posts unless it doesn't follow the rules. And guyz please don't make everything a global announcement, that right is only reserved to Shepster, if it is an application just make it sticky